Hi there, I'm Charles, a -year-old full-stack JavaScript developer based in Lille. Passionate about web technologies, I enjoy building modern, efficient, and scalable applications.

About me

I'm a -year-old full-stack JavaScript developer with a strong passion for web technologies. After graduating from an engineering school in computer science in 2016, based in Lille (North of France), I have continued to sharpen my skills as a self-taught developer, staying curious and up to date with the latest trends to build high-quality, modern applications.

I work with the following technologies on a daily basis

Don't hesitate to check out my work below

Below are some of my favorite projects, including recent updates. Each one reflects my experience as a full-stack JavaScript developer over the past years, covering everything from frontend interfaces to backend architectures. Feel free to explore my work, and for more, check out my GitHub!


See all my open-source projects

Follow me on X (twitter), where I regularly share and repost updates about the latest in technology.

Last Tweets

Depending in the time of year and project, I may be available. If you've got an interesting one, feel free to email me below
